I decided to share a letter I wrote to Ezekiel. I wrote the majority of it back in October, but added some things to it this morning. Here it goes:
My precious Ezekiel,
This is what Romans 9:20 says: "But who are you, mere human being, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to the One who formed it, 'Why did you make me like this?'"
PLEASE don't ever question God. I pray that you would be filled with gratitude every day of your life simply because God formed you, and He has an amazing plan and purpose for the way He has formed you. I know that it will be difficult being different, but I am praying even while you are in my womb that you always revere God as a Good & Perfect Creator - one who DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES. I pray that these Truths resonate deep within your soul from birth... And that you let NOTHING shake you. Many, many people are praying and believing that today, to the doctor's amazement, you will be completely healed without any sign of spina bifida ever defecting your small frame. We know and believe that God is the Great Physician and this is not beyond His power or ability, BUT instead of seeking only your healing, we choose to seek God's Will. For we know that it is not just in healing that God's power is put on display, but that any kind of weakness or disability we have can be used as a tool to show how POWERFUL our God truly is! Ezekiel, it is when we boast in our infirmities and weaknesses that God's strength rests upon us for the world to see! So again, I pray that you are filled with confidence from the moment you exit my womb today: A confidence found only in the Truth of God's Word. A confidence that cannot be cut down by other people's words, actions, or the schemes of the devil. A confidence that CANNOT be shaken.
See you in a few hours!