Thursday, April 2, 2015

Seeing Abortion Rightly and Acting Rightly as a Result

Satan has a high place when it comes to abortion in this nation. He is the father of lies and misinformation has run rampant, not only in the world, but in the church as well. I know it's in the church because I used to believe the lies and misinformation. I grew up going to church. I went to a private Baptist University. I was the Girl's Minister intern at a mega church in Texas, BUT if someone would have come up to me and asked me what I thought about abortion my reply would have been something like this:

"Well, I'm personally against it and think it should be illegal but since it's legal now then women should have the choice."

Yep. That's what I would've said. Fast forward a year when my husband and I moved into our first home. IT WAS LESS THAN A MILE FROM THE LAST SURGICAL ABORTION MILL IN THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. I would drive by that pink slaughter house EVERY DAY on my way to work and shake my head in dismay-- NOT at the women going to pay a man to kill their baby-- but at the "crazy" people holding signs and pleading with women outside.

Thankfully God saved me out of my apathetic stupor.  I mourned at the realization that abortion is not healthcare, choice, or a right but MURDER. There is no denying this if you believe the Word of God. Life begins at conception. An embryo, a fetus, a "clump of cells" (which is what we are by the way) is a human being created in the image of God by God for a purpose.

Excerpts from David Platt's book, "Counter Culture":

Abortion is:
- An affront to God's authority as Creator - Only God can take life and only God can give life.  Job 33:4, Job 12:10, Job 1:21, Deuteronomy 32:39
-An assault on His works in creation - Read Psalm 139:13-16 in light of someone inserting a tool, taking a pill, or undergoing an operation that takes that life that God is developing and destroys it.
- Attacks God's relationship with the unborn - He is intimately involved in the life of that baby from the moment of conception and even before that! Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 22:9-10, Galatians 1:15, Isaiah 49:1, Luke 1:15

"If you are a Christian, I plead for you to step out of a muddled middle road that says, "I may not choose abortion, but I don't think we should take away others' right to choose it," and to realize how inconceivable it is for us to stay silent while millions of children- individuals made in the image of God- are dismembered and destroyed around us in the world. Such thinking is not enlightened tolerance; it is sinful indifference. Moral and political neutrality here is not an option for us. Randy Alcorn put it best when he said, 'To endorse or even to be neutral about killing innocent children created in God's image is unthinkable in the Scriptures, was unthinkable to Christians in church history, and should be unthinkable to Christians today.'"

So the way we view abortion should change our actions in regards to abortion.

I do not know if you realize this or not, but abortions do not just take place in buildings with hired medical staff. Medications, such as Plan B and some forms of birth control, sold at every major drug store, pharmacy, and grocery store give women the opportunity to kill their babies in the comfort of their own homes. Recently, Keith and I have been convicted about shopping at these stores. If we truly believe that these medications kill human beings then we cannot support a store that carries that drug. If Wal-Mart carried a weapon specified for women to take home and murder their three year old, refusing to shop there would be a no-brainer. Abortions provided by the Plan B pill are no different.

I began to research area grocery stores that do not sell baby-killing drugs. I found two close to my house. The first one that I looked at apparently is owned by a Christian family because when I went to look at their weekly ad.. this is what I saw:

I found out that they actually change that slogan/Bible verse every week. (This week it's "'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.' Matthew 5:8 That's the good news. Now have a great day!" -- that just brings a big smile on my face!) Back to the prior slogan, the fact that I happened to be looking for a new grocery store for the reason listed above the week that they had chosen "You can't walk with God holding hands with the devil" speaks volumes to me.

So Mac's is now our go-to grocery store, and we love it! Shopping locally is something that we have always admired anyway, they bag the groceries for you, and our money doesn't support a store that provides medicine to kill humans! That's a win, win, win!

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