Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fun in the Sun and Getting Back in the Word

Took the kids for a swim today. Elijah was a little hesitant at first but ended up loving it! Abigail enjoyed it immensely. She is my little water baby- which is fitting since she was born in the water. :D 
The kids and I, with NeeNee (my mom) in tow, will head back to Mississippi tomorrow.

I have started re-reading Acts and making notes about the early church. Keith and I have some important questions to answer and have been praying for direction about a certain situation in our lives. I have set out a fleece before God and for now we are playing the waiting game and remaining faithful where He has us. We want more than anything to make sure we are in God's will - it is the safest and most joyful place to be! Will probably be sharing some of the revelations I have received from my reading of Acts so stay tuned!! 


  1. Amber, I am so inspired by you! I'm trying to learn myself how and where we're to be in God's will. And the world is such an addiction. I've had the same battle with Facebook (your first blog) and i come back time and time again to only be convicted again. I feel God telling me that my time could be o much more useful than being on my phone. Also, how to be the mother of my home. I know I'm to be the helper of my husband, the one whom shields her home from the devil and cares for her children and guides them to know the Lord. Amber, I ask that you pray for me. Please! And if you have any insight, I'd truly be grateful to you! Text me if it's easier for you! 903.452.8009. And I look forward to reading your blog(s). :)
