Monday, November 10, 2014

Gideon was fixed in heaven.

We told Elijah the news yesterday. Here is how the conversation went:

Me: "You know how mama had a baby in her belly? Well, there was something wrong with him and he died and went to heaven."

Elijah: "They fix baby in heaven?"

Out of the mouths of babes. His response brought comfort and joy to my soul.

Today I went searching for a journal to record my thoughts, emotions, and everything I long to say to my precious boy. I also wanted to get a stuffed animal that would be his and one that I could cuddle and remember him by. I found a journal at Lifeway on clearance. Embossed on the front it says, "A Place to Remember... and Never Forget." When I opened up the front cover I knew it was the one for me. The second paragraph of the introduction begins with "Grieving the loss of my son became an intense pilgrimage through a wilderness of sorrow so deep that spending time with the Lord in my journals became critical to my healing process." Does God provide or what?! 

I went to 5 different stores until I found the perfect stuffed animal for Gideon.

As soon as I saw it, it was extremely significant to me for two reasons. I saw myself as the larger dog loving and protecting Gideon, but I also saw the larger dog as God loving and protecting my Gideon in heaven more than I ever could. 

I have a feeling I will be snuggling it for a good while.

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