Sunday, July 13, 2014

Abigail's 1st Birthday Party!

Man... how time flies.

I decided on a ladybug theme for her party a few weeks ago. It turned out great thanks to my wonderful mother. :) Speaking of her, she spoke at a ladies' conference a few years ago and the theme was LADYBUGS.
As we
Yield to
I love that and will always remember it anytime I see or think about a ladybug.

Here are some of my favorites pics from yesterday:

I did that ladybug cake all by myself! Proud mama moment.

 The two photographers. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. :)

 This is the point in the festivities where Abigail decided to sing the chorus to "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to"...

Then she opened her presents and was happy again.

 Children truly are a blessing from the LORD!

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