Thursday, July 3, 2014

Surprise Party & Modesty

Well hello there! It has been a while. Glad you stuck around.

I have been in Texas this past week for my mama's 56th birthday. We threw her a "carnival theme" surprise party and it was a blast! I came back home to Mississippi yesterday but left Elijah in Texas. I miss that boy!

I love this woman. She is my hero.

She looks pretty surprised, eh?

I have a new-found love for podcasts thanks to the 300 mile drive from my house to my parent's house in Texas. "Ask Pastor John" is one of my favorites. I listened to his podcast about bikinis and modesty and this quote struck me on the drive so when I got back home I listened to it again and wrote it down. It applies to so many more areas of life than just modesty but I think I really needed to hear it. Not gonna lie... sometimes I want to look "sexy." I have found that the closer to my goal weight I get, (I'm down almost 30 lbs since February! Whoop!) the more tempting it is to wear less clothes.

I would stick around but I hear a little munchkin waking up from her nap. I'll leave you to mull over this quote for a while:

"I would say this to any woman or any man that dresses inappropriately:
Until God has become your treasure,
Until your own sin has become the thing you hate most,
Until the Word of God is your supreme authority that you feel to be more precious than gold, sweeter than honey,
Until the gospel of Christ's death in your place is the most precious news in the world to you,
Until you have learned to deny yourself short-term pleasures for the sake of long-term joy and holiness,
Until you have grown to love the Holy Spirit and long for His fruit more than man's praise,
Until you count everything as loss compared to the supreme value of knowing Christ,

your attitude toward your clothing and your appearance will be controlled by forces that don't honor Christ." - John Piper

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