Monday, July 21, 2014

Operation Save America

This week Keith, I, and the kids are in New Orleans with a group called Operation Save America. We are here to preach the gospel and see abortion come to an end in this city and in America as a whole. The first time OSA came to New Orleans in the 90s, there were 10 abortion mills in the city. Now there are only two. Planned Parenthood is currently trying to build a huge surgical abortion facility on S. Claiborne Avenue that we pray never goes up.

We got in town Saturday and had a 6:30 night rally. Then on Sunday we all broke up with our small groups and went to various churches. We were given First Unitarian and Universalist Church of New Orleans. That was a huge eye opening experience that I don't have time to write about right now but will soon. Last night we had another rally. This one they called a Solemn Assembly because it was a time for us to repent of our personal sins, the sins of the church, and the sins of our nation. It was a very humbling experience. At the rallies I am bombarded with the Truth of Gods Word. Here are some notes/Scriptures I jotted down during the last two rallies:

Fear is a sin that I struggle with quietly on a massive scale. So many times I quench the Spirit of God because of fear in my mind. Psalm 27:1-3, along with many other passages say we should not fear. One of the leaders of OSA said this Saturday night - "We say if we love something/someone more than God it is idolatry... So wouldn't it also be considered idolatry if we fear something/someone more than God?"

Every night at 7:14PM during our rallies we say 2 Chronicles 7:14 - "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

"We not only influence people by what we say, but also by what we do NOT say. When we do not say things, the world will think those things are not important."

God hates the hands that shed innocent blood-Proverbs 6:17
All I know is of God hates abortion, I hate it too!

Abortion is a GOSPEL ISSUE. It is all about who rules and whose laws reign.

There are so many more Scriptures that I wrote down but Abigail is waking up so more later!

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